Gawsworth Parish Council Meetings

Gawsworth Parish Council meetings are usually held at 7:30pm on the second Tuesday every month except December. All our meetings are open to the public and we set aside around 10 minutes at the start of each meeting for the public to speak. The Parish Council is currently streaming its meetings online via Zoom and Facebook and we welcome the public joining us in the usual way. You an watch the meetings live on Facebook (Gawsworth Life) or, if you’d like to raise questions during the public time you can click the link on the agenda to join on Zoom. The public will be given permission to speak at the appropriate time and will be audio only (i.e. the video will not be shown to councillors nor broadcast to over viewers).

The Council holds its annual council meeting in May – this is where the Chairman of and Deputy Chairman are elected.

Our upcoming meetings are:

  • July 9th @ 7:30pm in the Village Hall
  • August 13th @ 7:30pm in the Village Hall
  • September 10th @ 7:30pm in the Village Hall