Community Organisations
To add an organisation or update details, please email
Friends of Gawsworth
The Friends of Gawsworth (FOG) is the school parent teacher association, it is a registered charity which supports the school’s year-round fundraising activity.
FOG run the annual Rose Queen Fete as well as a number of different fundraising activities.
Contact Friends of Gawsworth
01625 426 547
Gawsworth WI
The Gawsworth WI was founded in 1931 and meets on the first Tuesday of the month in Gawsworth Village Hall from 7:30pm.
Contact Gawsworth WI
Lesley Fallon
07834 539 585
Gawsworth Scouts
Gawsworth Scouts are based at the Scout Hall on Church Lane and run Beavers, Cubs and Scouts groups.
Contact Gawsworth Scouts
Heather Newton
07810 443 399
Girls’ Brigade
Girls’ Brigade is a uniformed youth organisation for all girls aged 4 and up. It meets every week on Tuesdays in the Methodist Church Hall.
Contact the Girls’ Brigade
Carolyn Boden
01625 502 856