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CGI of the Dark Lane development

Council objects to Dark Lane Proposals

Gawsworth Parish Council has submitted objections to Cheshire East Council in respect of application 18/5544M – 10 houses on Dark Lane.

We carefully considered the Dark Lane application and consulted extensively with its residents, including holding a public session at its meeting on 11th December 2018.

The Parish Council has several strong planning objections to the application. These are summarised below, with more detailed comments set out in an attached appendices.

Our objections relate to:

  1. The rural exception for housing for local needs
  2. Effect on the Green Belt
  3. Impact on Jodrell Bank
  4. Local Landscape Designation Area
  5. Highway Safety
  6. Sustainable Development, including agricultural land quality and non-designated
    heritage assets
  7. Trees and hedgero
  8. Design Standards
  9. Neighbourhood Plan