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Crossroads works plan

Crossroad Works Updates

The works to install traffic lights, including a pedestrian crossing, at the crossroads is currently ongoing with the first phase of work, resurfacing Church Lane complete. A reminder of the road closures:

  • Dark Lane: 28/10/24 – 06/12/24
  • Congleton Road: 21/11/24 – 23/11/24

Three-way signals remain in place on the A536/Church Lane.

Cheshire East Council has provided the updated plans for the works being undertaken, which can be viewed here:

Crossroads works plan

The Parish Council was surprised to see that since the plans were last presented, extensive streetlighting has been added around the junction. This is reportedly due to the addition of the pedestrian crossing to ensure there is sufficient visibility for pedestrians and vehicles approaching the crossing.

The Parish Council has questioned the extent of the streetlighting with Cheshire East Council and a full response is currently awaited. An interim response has stated that “The addition of street lighting occurred late in the design process, so was not shown on earlier plans we brought to the Parish Council meetings. The reason for the late addition was following a review towards the end of the design. This raised concern that during inclement weather or during the hours of darkness, visibility to the crossing may be reduced, potentially leading to drivers being unable to see pedestrians waiting to cross or on the crossing. This could result in potential pedestrian/vehicular collisions.”

The Parish Council has questioned the extent of the proposals. Whilst it appears logical for streetlighting approaching the pedestrian crossing on the A536, the council has queried if it is needed for Dark Lane and Church Lane

The Parish Council has also relayed residents’ concerns about traffic routing through the village, CEC Highways have confirmed the “residents access only” signs will be reinstalled at Lowes Lane.

The Parish Council will be discussing the scheme at its next meeting on Tuesday 12th November.