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An exterior photo of Gawsworth Village Hall

Have your say on council’s new objectives

Our Draft Vision

The vision is our overall objective, it’s the idea of what we are working towards.

In 2027, Gawsworth will be a tinder and better cared for parish than in 2022. The natural environment will have been enhanced as part of a community wide initiative to be a more environmentally aware parish and the built heritage of the parish will have been better understood and conserved by the community.

Gawsworth will be a healthy and resilient community with access to the affordable housing it needs. Active travel networks will have been improved and people will feel safer using roads and footpaths to travel and there will have been a focus on improving accessibility across the parish.

The Neighbourhood Plan will continue to be effective in ensuring appropriate development and there will be a welcoming rural feel across the entire parish. Any new residents from the LPS15 development will feel part of Gawsworth community.

The parish will have a strong civil society with an actively engaged community. There will be evidence strong partnership working across the various organisations operating in the parish.

Our Draft Priorities

We’ve drafted six strategic priorities which will help us meet the vision. Under each priority we then have a number of more specific objectives. Once these have been agreed we’ll develop specific actions under each to ensure we can deliver.

GPC1 – The Parish Council will work to enhance the natural environment, built heritage and open spaces within the parish.

  • Complete a review of the Gawsworth Conservation Area
  • Develop a Green Gawsworth Strategy
  • Develop a business case to create a new public open space on the former depot at Maggoty Lane
  • Continue to deliver on its park and woodland management plans

GPC2 – The Parish Council will work to deliver a strong and resilient civil society

  • Develop stronger links between the parish council and community organisations
  • Ensure that community groups have the support they need to be successful
  • Support the development of organisations/networks to fill gaps
  • Develop a communications strategy
  • Develop a Community Resilience Plan
  • Ensure a strong and skilled Parish Council

GPC3 – The Parish Council will play an active role in the planning system and protect the rural identity OF Gawsworth

  • Uphold the policies of the Gawsworth Neighbourhood Plan
  • Seek to influence local planning policy where appropriate
  • Undertake a review of the Gawsworth Neighbourhood Plan
  • Ensure access for Gawsworth residents to any affordable housing developed in the parish

GPC4 – The Parish Council will enhance accessibility and active travel across and outside the parish

  • Undertake a survey of the PROW network to identify improvements
  • Undertake an accessibility audit across the parish
  • Identify and lobby for improvements to promote cycling to/from Macclesfield and Congleton
  • Explore the creation of permissive path routes to enhance the PROW network
  • Explore the submission of DMMO applications to register new PROW
  • Ensure bus shelters and crossing points (etc) are well maintained

GPC5 – The Parish Council will improve the standards of maintenance across the parish

  • Create a definitive list of the maintenance that needs to be undertaken across the parish
  • Investigate employment/contracting of a parish ranger to deliver a parish maintenance plan
  • Review the provision of litterbins

GPC6 – The Parish Council will maximise the use of IT and promote skill sharing the community

  • Explore ways to take advantage of existing data
  • Actively seek local community based partners when delivering projects
  • Develop a community skill directory

What do you think?

We want to ensure that our new five year plan serves the needs of the community, so please let us know what you think. Have we missed anything? What is most important to you? How do you think we could meet these goals?

To provide feedback simply email: by 10th June.